China Shipbuilding
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新造船展开 新造船
Meyer Werft GmbH & Co KG
Industriegebeit Sud
Papenburg, Germany
Tel: +49 4961 8262
Fax: +49 4961 81300
Benelux Overseas Inc.
48, Possidonos Ave.
166 75 Glyfada, Greece
Tel: +30 2108980446
Fax: +30 2109681270

希腊气体运输船东。Benelux Overseas成立于1998年,总部位于希腊雅典。公司主营业务为LPG、乙烯等石化产品运输。其船队有14 艘 LPG运输船和...
迈尔船厂:造船业皇冠上明珠的缔造者 (2015-12-04)
迈尔船厂(Meyer Werft GmbH)是当今德国最大的造船厂,由迈尔(Meyer)家族创立于1795年,传到目前的Bernard Meyer先生已经是第六代了,他从1982年开始掌管整个企业一直到现在,今年他的儿子Jan Meyer被任命为总经理,逐渐开始了接班工作。(Meyer是家族的姓氏,Werft在德语里即为船厂)1997年,迈尔船厂收购了位于德国东北部罗斯托克的海王星船厂,2014年...
上周全球新船订单量小幅回升 (2015-11-13)


Neptun Werft获1艘冰级LNG运输船订单 (2015-06-30)
德国Meyer Neptun集团旗下的Neptun Werft 船厂获得1艘18000立方米1A冰级LNG运输船订单,船东是荷兰 Anthony Veder 公司。交船期2017年10月,目前没有船价方面的报道。


Anthony Veder首席执行官Jan Valk...
Veder to order ice class LNG carrier for Gasum con (2015-06-26)
Gasum, the Finnish energy group and Anthony Veder, the Dutch shipping company, have signed an agreement for a long-term time charter of an ice Class 1A Super LNG carrier newbuilding. "The 18,000 cbm v...
Royal Caribbean orders fourth (2015-05-10)
Royal Caribbean has confirmed an order for a fourth Quantum-class newbuilding at Germany’s Meyer Werft, for delivery in 2019. Although no price was disclosed, the first three vessels in the series wer...
Meyer Turku returns to the big time (2015-05-10)
At a ceremony today for the handover of Mein Schiff 4 to TUI Cruises, Bernard Meyer, patriarch and CEO of the Meyer Group, announced that his company will be making large investments in its Finnish ya...
Carnival tightens yard ties (2015-03-27)
Carnival Corp has announced plans for nine additional newbuilds and sealed strategic partnerships with Italy’s Fincantieri and Germany’s Meyer Werft. Memorandums of agreement were signed for five newb...
2月薪造船订单量小幅增加 (2012-03-20)

Meyer Werft 获得豪华邮轮订单 (2012-03-05)
近日,德国Meyer Werft公司从Royal Caribbean获得1艘豪华邮轮订单。该合同是上次签署的1艘Sunshine级豪华游轮备选合同,而此次正式签署了建造合同,订单总额约达到7亿欧元。去年2月,该造船厂获得过第一号158,000GT级Sunshine豪华游轮(:4,100 Berths)订单,交付期为2014年末。当时签署合同的每Berth价格为170,000欧元,总值达6.97亿欧...

China Shipbuilding, 2014